Different technological advances are starting to modify our daily work. The irruption of technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics, will permit workers to focus on the more human and creative aspects of their tasks, leaving the most monotonous and repetitive parts to technology.
Likewise, technological evolution is also changing the relationships between clients and companies, and between companies and employees, modifying how they are managed and unfold. The economy of platforms has entered the scene with great strength, with companies such as Uber or Deliveroo. Even though this model must evolve in order to fit better within the fiscal and labor ecosystem of each other country, it allows us to catch a glimpse of the great idiosyncratic change that is taking place, which has no turning back. This technological shift will affect all types of services and industries, and not only the provision of mircoservices. The decentralization and platformization of work is an unstoppable trend which will affect most sectors, but most especially, the sector of IT services.
However, besides the changes in technology, social changes with a broad spectrum of consequences are also shifting into place. The most obvious examples are the new profiles which are now entering the labor market. We are speaking, of course, about the so-called millennials, who progressively represent a greater percentage of the active workforce. The changing professional and vital goals of millennials, who impose their values on society and markets, force the company-worker relationships to evolve towards new models.
Clients evolve towards demanding services that imply highly technological knowledge, which is in constant growth and expansion. This provokes a gap between the demanded services and the traditional model which satisfies them. Regarding the companies which provide services, the most urgent problem is directly linked to sourcing, and particularly, to two matters. On one hand, the capacity to access specific and specialized talent. And, on the other hand, the effectiveness with which that access to talent takes place, from beginning to ending, from the point where the need of talent and skill appears, to the satisfaction of such demand.
As we mentioned earlier, the new members of the active workforce are changing in relation to the vital and professional goals that they aspire to when they access the labor market. For this new profile of potential employee, the main interest is no longer to grow vertically in a company and remain within it for years. On the contrary, they search for personal and professional fulfillment through specialization, that is, through horizontal growth, which allows them to make an actual impact, and to enjoy a more fluid, flexible and creative working life. In consequence, they alter the traditional economic and social models, making them turn towards a vast new horizontal model of labor relationships, profoundly rooted in technology.
The consequence of the intersection between new technologies and the shifting social paradigms is a very different market from the one we know.
In order to face these changes without provoking a gap which in the long run will be insurmountable, companies must adapt to these new paradigms. The current sourcing models don’t respond naturally to the changes in the needs of clients. Moreover, they don’t adjust to the technologies, or to the new channels of access to talent necessary to satisfy such demands
Consequently, companies must identify new ways of accessing talent by bearing in mind a series of premises related to the supply of on demand services. Companies must find their way towards highly qualified talent in an escalated manner, maintaining what is traditionally expected from them, and, furthermore, integrating this new complementary talent with their current workforce, without provoking internal frictions. These goals may be reached efficiently through the implementation of platforms which allow companies to integrate technological advances and solutions to the management of the scalable and hybrid workforce, which combines the internal and the on-demand workforce.
In this way, the combination of technology (AI, Automation, Platformized Interactions) with new hybrid sourcing models, will allow companies as everis/NTT to reach unprecedented levels of scalability.
But that’s a whole different story…